How to use it:
Several matches can be provided at the same time separating them with spaces:
Calderón Lope
Use search criteria separated by spaces. Valid values for the search criterion Authors are:
Aguilar, Alarcón, Calderón, Calderón(attr.), Caro, Castro, Cervantes, Coello, Cubillo, Godínez, Juana, Lope, Lope(attr.), Mira, Mira(attr.), Monteser, Moreto, Moreto(attr.), Rey, Rojas, Solís, Tárrega, Tirso, Vélez, Virués, Zayas
These names are shorthands for Gaspar Aguilar, Juan Ruiz de Alarcón, Calderón de la Barca, Ana Caro, Guillén Castro, Antonio de Coello, Álvaro Cubillo de Aragón, Felipe Godínez, Sor Juana Inés, Lope de Vega, Mira de Amescua, Francisco de Monteser, Agustín Moreto, Rey de Artieda, Antonio de Solís, Francisco Tárrega, Tirso de Molina, Cristobal de Virués, Vélez and María Zayas. Those with (attr.) are for attributed works. Please mind that there are not spaces preceding the praentheses.
The search criterion Text admits simple regular expressions (extended RegEx are not supported yet).